Mother Aya spoke to me, "Everything is as it is meant to be. All is fine."
She guides me through the cycle of life. Death was dancing;
Swaying gracefully to reflect the coming and going of all things.
Mother Aya shows me decay. My uncle's corpse becoming healthy;
Smiling, telling me he loves me.
Everything that goes into the earth will bloom into beauty.
She tells me my hands are for Love and Healing; Healing and Love.
My voice is for good and wisdom. Shed the past, all is fine.
She shows me connectedness.
Echoing sounds of a roomful of suffering.
Fetal-position sobbing.
I could feel the weight of their pain.
I want to reassure them.
All is fine.
I felt the warmth of my grandmother's love as the healer sang,
"Wake up, wake up child.
Listen, listen.
Listen, listen."
The shaman dances.
Ripple effects of laughter.
I cried at the beauty of healing.
~Mel K.